Well folks, I'm about to do something I rarely do.....  BAKE! Actually, I don't know if this has any baking involved, but it does involve dessert and I NEVER make dessert! I start to feel all "craftsy" at the end of the year and like to give out stuff to my friends.

After MUCH research and deliberation, I've settled on making 3 types of alcohol infused truffles and some orange/peanut bark. Won't you tune in with me while I start out cooking with love and finish full of anxiety and exhaustion?  Okay, that was strong, but I guarantee you it won't go smoothly!

Maybe one of these days I will learn and make something that I've MADE BEFORE so I know what to expect!!

Here's an example of things I've made in times past:

My 1st year I started out without baking and just made color coordinated wine baskets. That was pretty fun!

One time I made chocolate peanut butter mallow bars. Those were a hit :)

One year I made white chocolate dipped cranberry oatmeal cookies:

Here was a fun year. Ever made a candy apple? Yeah, me either. WHOA - That was A LOT of work! But look how cute they turned out:

What things have you made?