Hi Everyone!
I've been struggled as to what to say here. Do you want to know about ME or the food or what I do or what? My name is Marisa, I'm 31 years old, and work full time.
Mostly I'm a nerd. Not the biggest nerd, but I have a great love of computers and gadgets, so as you can imagine, blogging and video taping these episodes is pretty exciting for me! Gives me a reason to talk to everyone about Apple computers, iMovie, and my iPhone. Just a warning, it will be coming up from time to time!
Secondly, I'm a hobbiest, as in, I just can't decide what I'm NOT passionate about. I pretty much love EVERYTHING, except mopping... I do not love mopping. I love animals and writing and reading and yoga and talking and shopping and my TiVo and dabble in all of those OFTEN! However, somehow and someway, most things tend to revolve around my first love - FOOD! I don't know where the line is between enjoying the act of cooking and mostly just liking to EAT! :)
I have a cute little dog named HarMar which you may see. He doesn't get too far away from me, and even though I NEVER feed him human food, he's an eternal optimist that some yummy vegetable will come bouncing his way! He lives for carrots and potato peels - wild huh?
Actually, it's very important for me that I clarify, I'm not doing this for any sort of notoriety. I've had no formal training. I don't even want to be a professional chef. I get most of my recipes from cooking magazines and friends (which I will give credit to) and just try to modify them to taste how I like. I just don't want anyone to think I'm claiming to be something I'm not. My only hope is to share my passion for cooking with you! I want to help give you a new recipe idea or a time saving tip and maybe a laugh along the way. So, on that note... ENJOY!